Family law Web Guide Lashes out...

At the top of the forum is a topic named "Lies, Spying and Second Class citizens", is a reference to a blog named "Exposing the Attacks on the Family Law Web Guide":

It has a lot of outrageous claims and targets a blog called, "Expose the Truth about the Family Law Web Guide" and supporting posts made by Anonymums.  One of the most hilarious ones was:

So we decided to do a search to find this out:

There has been no news on "angry mothers groups" and I doubt that there will be any mothers or first wives groups that would be placed in the headlines as being aggressive.    

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

What a load of crap! The issue of first wives versus second wives is a beat up. The battle that second wives fight is not their own. Trust us men and fathers rights groups when we say, the second wife will turn out exactly the same as the first one did because guys like you don't learn anything. We wonder who works at Sydney Morning Herald and is using his employer to engage in this battle? Mike is that you?

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