Government Funded Propaganda

Many members of the online community have expressed their distaste on the Family web Law Guide, Notably Anonymums and Expose the Truth.  Even well respected researchers such as Dr Michael Flood have been attacked by these groups as "misandrist" or "feminazis".  Few have challenged them without attacks.  This is one of the latest distortions of two bloggers who have simply wrote to expose the true animosity that these hateful groups display in their scramble for yet again...more control over children and mothers.  They have been obsessively plastering the internet with their agenda in one form or another and seem to develop meaningless rationales for needing more rights, particularly the rights to abuse more than anything else.  The wording may change but the agenda is still the same.
The most abhorrent is that the previous government funded these men a quarter of a million dollars to continue to spread this propaganda and distort facts and figures so that they have more opportunity to harass, abuse and control women and children without reprisals from authorities.  
Above is what they are supposed to be funded for, however, the blog reveals quite a lengthy waste of time and government resources.  
Here is a confirmation that it in fact does come from the family law web-guide:

Please feel free to contact FACSIA and report this fraud at:


Phoenix said...

We were under the impression that it was illegal to discriminate on the basis of sex and the Shared Parenting Council of Australia use the website to blatantly attack women and mothers.
It is also apparently illegal to foster a hate site and yet the government funds this site? That is proposteous!
Why is this being allowed in our "lucky country"?

Phoenix said...

Are you aware that the SPCA via set up a Mothers4equality group that was supposedly part of the "Community" on the website?
The funny thing is that it was set up by Michael Green with Debra Esquilante from the Gold Coast who is an active key member of Fathers4Equality. Spot the conflict of interest there or is it merely another case of SPCA wanting to appear to be supportive of mothers too but it's all a carefully constructed facade. It is so typical of how they seek to mislead.

Unknown said...

Yes the real mothers for equality was set up by a mother whom was outraged by Mr Patils "fathers for Equality" site and his true agenda:
They copied that and tried to make a forum out of it.

Phoenix said...

Fathers4Equality breeds hatred for women and has attracted a lot of the more extremist Fathers Rights members. We believe they should be shut down for promoting hate.

A question for you:
How did the Fatherhood Foundation and D.I.D.S, get to be rated as a charity?

The Fatherhood Foundation Public Fund is a public fund listed on the Register of Harm Prevention Charities under Subdivision 30_EA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

Dads in Distress Inc is registered as a harm prevention charity. If you would like to donate to our organisation please mail cheque or money order with your name and address details to: Dads in Distress Inc. Po Box J 395, Coffs Harbour Jetty NSW 2450. (The Dads in Distress Public Fund is a public fund listed on the Register of Harm Prevention Charities under Subdivision 30_EA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997)

Unknown said...

I would be interested to see your answer.
I am impressed with your blog and the research that you have done.

Phoenix said...

Thanks. It helps to have a few people in "key" positions that help with information!

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