Meet Bob: Your average FR Joe

 Bob Allen is a typical Fathers Rights Member that argues against everything that is female claiming it to be from feminist origin.  In reality, feminist have little to do with divorce and more to do with women in the workforce and leadership.  This is because most feminists are not mothers and do not have children.  Occasionally the issue comes up, but that is because it is a women's rights issue, but not as prevalent as the stoning of women and girls.  The reactions of some of the women involved are rightful and natural.  It would be bizarre if there were not outrage at some of these practices.  Whilst we endeavor to pursue some sort of logic as to why these men are angry, there has been no justifiable reasoning that would give cause to such rage.  

   "The ages old common marriage age is about 16 for females and 26 or later for men....Recent feminist fiction about "same age" is nonsense that hurts young women and furthers the feminist goal of destroying" Yahoo Answers 

Bob is also racist:
"I get tired of the racist crap. Black people have always been at the center of slavery management. For several hundred years, black slave raiders preyed on European villages. An estimated 1,000,000 white Europeans were captured and sold into slavery in black Africa. When white Europe eventually became powerful enough to fend off the African slavers, the African slave traders competed to sell slaves to European buyers. In the US before the Civil War, there were an estimated 10,000 black slave OWNERS. 

Pretending that slavery was ever about "black people slaves" is racist hate, and that's all that it is. Being female is not an excuse for 
racist anti-white hate." bobx23456 

Bob believes in killing estranged wives:

"Dead wives don't get custody. The Bible and other major religions teach that wives who practice adultary and other similar sins should be stoned to deah or put to death. Feminism has turned over the age old truths of life and made honorable husbands into villains, when it is the evil abusive adulterous wife who is the villain. She should be put to death. Men who take strong manly action, like OJ Simpson, should be our heros. Adulterous Nicole Simpson does not have custody."  Glenn Sacks 

Bob is against step fathers:
"There are no "father figures." There are only fathers. The rest are just mother's latest fuck."

Bob Believes in violence against women:
"Non violence never works with these evil misandrist hate mongers....Don't just fall down and let them destroy you.  Be a MAN and go down
 fighting for your rights and for the rights of MEN!" A Kids Right 

Of course, FR leaders can always wriggle out with disassociation and claim that all of the "Bobs" are a minority, apart from the same ideals dressed up to appear less vulgar.  What they cannot deny is the fact that this type of hate is all to common and the ideals that FRs represent that attract these kinds of men.  Leaders of these groups know all too well that if they were to clean up their networks of abusive men, there would be no one left to support them.  So the saga continues where such things are either swept under the carpet whilst more strategies are developed to conceal these attitudes from public view.  It would be easy to count for one bad apple, but two, three one hundred or more?  To consider that such attitudes would go unnoticed, is to assume that the majority lack intelligence and morale.

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